Welcome to Hors D'eouvres

Wow! Welcome to the beta test for my new album, Hors D'eouvres. I would like for you to listen to it and to tell me what you think. What you like, what you don't like, what could be better, things like that.

The thought of the album is that it's a bunch of little treats, like the small treats you would see on a charcuterie board. Every song is fewer than two and a half minutes, but there sure are a lot of them.

Although this will probably be labeled as a "beat tape", there are songs that aren't strictly beats on here. I felt it would be good to include other things to set a pleasant mood and to mark points within the album such as the first and last song.

I hope to release it by Thanksgiving, but at the very least before 2023. I feel that the theming of "treats" will be suitable for a holiday release.

The album will be linked via SoundCloud embed underneath this writing. I can give high-quality .wav files of all the in-progress tracks upon request, but SoundCloud will play the album fully through without interruption and I don't believe embedding the files directly into here will allow for that.

Patch Notes


● Well... There aren't any yet. This is the first post of it.